Holding meetings in the office is good, but there are times when doing it off-site can be even better. There have been a lot of monumental deals made during meetings outside of the office, which can often have limitations.
These meetings can come in the form of functions, conferences, lunch meetings, or even dinner parties.
Such things have been common practice since the business industry was practically invented. Connections are made, bargains are struck, and contract details are refined while drinking glasses of fine wine.
As old as this practice is, it still works and is worth considering.
More Comfortable
Meeting outside the office, especially in a setting that is specifically intended to accommodate guests, can be a lot more comfortable. The chairs are easier to sit in, the tables are more accessible, and the ambience would help put people at ease. It simply feels different compared to the sterile, more professional environments in offices.

When the meeting is done in conference rooms or event halls, the setting itself becomes more exciting. Suddenly, it’s not just about sitting around and doing boring things anymore. Now, it has become an actual event worth noting.
Everyone is likely to pay more attention since this is now a shared experience and one that can be enjoyed.
Of course, this does come down to your choice of meeting room outside of the office. A good venue will matter just as much as the act of conducting the meeting off-site. So be sure to do your homework ahead of time by checking their facilities, the price, the capacity, and so on.
A Less Formal Setting
Another point that goes in favour of having meetings outside of the office is the less formal atmosphere. That isn’t to say that everyone suddenly becomes friends. However, it does lend some air of casualness that can help put everyone on a more even footing.
There might still be some level of deference to authority, but it can be difficult to remain overly formal when sharing a meal.
If everyone is less stiff and more comfortable with each other, it would be easier to discuss the details of the meeting. Positions also become less of a suppressing force and participants can become less hesitant to give their input or make suggestions.
This is a point that needs to be brought home for a lot of folks at the executive level. No matter how approachable or friendly they might work to appear, there can still be that barrier in an office setting. Every little bit helps in resolving that issue and off-site meetings can certainly do that.
All in all, it can lead to a more fruitful round of discussions than simply having the meeting at the office.
Bonding Opportunities
On a more emotional yet still undoubtedly practical level, having meetings outside of the office makes it a lot easier to have bonding moments. When everyone is more comfortable with each other, it makes it easier to have conversations. Even idle chats that have nothing to do with work can be a good way to make working with each other a lot smoother.
In this way, meetings accomplish more than simply discussing the agenda listed for the day. Co-workers being able to relate to one another and therefore have a much stronger working relationship would only be good for the company.
It would mean that going forward, goals would be much easier to achieve and progress much easier to attain. Of course, this is never guaranteed, but the point remains that it is an excellent way to build trust and confidence among employees.
During the off-site meeting, co-workers who might never have given each other the time of day might be made to interact. Any form of dispute or disagreement can also be potentially diminished during this time.
Larger Spaces
For companies that don’t have meeting rooms with enough space to accommodate all of their employees, meeting off-site can often be the best option. This goes doubly true for meetings that can go on for hours and hours. Having a bigger space would certainly go a long way to making everyone more comfortable, not to mention productive.
Bigger spaces also allow you to bring in more convenient amenities and equipment. Tables for food, specialized equipment for presentations, and space for props. If there is a need to do anything that requires more room to move around, this would be the best option. It would also lend much more weight to the importance of the meeting if people were not squeezed into a tight space like sardines in a can.
Access to Amenities
In some cases, businesses don’t have access to the necessary amenities or equipment needed to conduct a proper meeting with a lot of participants. Things like a sound system, a projector, and services for catering to guests.

As such, off-site meetings at establishments that accommodate such needs would be the far better option.
More often than not, the necessity of these amenities far outweighs whatever concern there may be about the prospect of meeting outside of offices. The meeting would be more productive, goals would be easier to reach, and getting everyone on the same page would take less effort.
Having a meeting outside the office does not have to be a regular occurrence. Doing it from time to time though, especially when the timing is chosen well, can produce some fantastic results. You have to remember that when it comes to large meetings with a lot of participants, simply getting through it is not enough.
You need to consider every angle, including how fruitful the meeting is going to be, in the first place. If you can’t achieve your goals during the meeting, you might as well not have it. So if having your meeting off-site is the best way to accomplish the goals for the meeting, then you should certainly take it into serious consideration.
Contact us today at Leederville Functions to book your team’s next offsite meeting.